Driertarock (42 card)


This form is unusual in that it is played clockwise, and the cards are counted singly.

Three Player


Deal 6 cards to each player, 6 to the Talon, and 6 more to each player.


Single10¢Exchange three cards, and take over half the points (46+).
Suit-Solo40¢Leave the Talon unseen, and take over half the points. Trumps don’t trump.
Solo40¢Leave the Talon unseen, and take over half the points.
Solo-Slam$3.20Leave the Talon unseen, and take every trick.

Eldest must open with a bid of “Single”. Bidding is one round, with priority. Suit-Solo or Solo must be bid at the first opportunity; otherwise one may only outbid a Single with a Double, or a Double with a Triple. If Eldest wins the bid with a Single, he may, if he chooses, declare Trischaken

Normally Eldest leads to the first trick. Some play that in a Suit-Solo or Solo Declarer leads to the first trick. This makes these games easier to bid.


Trischaken is a negative game where everyone plays for himself, and the goal is not to take points. The Talon is unused, and does not contribute to anyone’s score. There are no bonuses.

Underplay is permitted; there is no need to head the trick. The only difference from usual play is that the Pagat must be played as one’s last trump.

The player who takes the most points has lost, and pays 10¢. If two tie for the most points, they each pay the value to the third. If all three tie, there is no payment.

Single, Double, or Triple

The six cards of the Talon are exposed in two groups of three. The declarer may take either set and add them to his hand, the remaining three cards counting toward his opponents. He then discards three cards which will count for him in the end. They may not be Kings or Trull cards, and may only be trumps if necessary not to discard Kings.


In a suit solo, the trumps lose their trumping power. It is still obligatory to play them if one is void in the suit led, or if trumps are led, but only in the latter case will the highest trump played take the trick. Furthermore, one may not lead trumps until as long as one has suit cards remaining.

The talon cards count for the opponents, unseen.

The bonuses for Trull or for Announced Pagat Ultimo are not permitted.


All as in a Single, except that the Talon cards count for the opponents, unseen, and all bonuses are doubled.


Pagat Ultimo, Absolute, or Slam may be announced to double their value won or lost; an announced bonus or the Game may be Doubled as well. All bonuses are doubled in a Suit-Solo or Solo.


Besides the Game, the following bonuses are scored.

Kings10¢Be dealt all 4 Kings
Trull10¢Be dealt all 3.
Mondfang10¢Take the 21 with the *
Absolute10¢Win with at least 57 points.
Pagat Ultimo10¢Take the last trick with the I.
Slam40¢Take every trick.

If won, the value (as appropriately doubled) is payed be each to the winner; if lost, the value is payed to each opponent.

Card Ranks and Values

The cards rank as follows from high to low in each suit:

KingRR5 ’Scuse*5
QueenDD4 MondXXI5
KnightCC3 XX...1
JackVV2 ...II1
1010 PagatI5

The cards are counted singly, for a total of 90 points.